subscriber station

英 [səbˈskraɪbə(r) ˈsteɪʃn] 美 [səbˈskraɪbər ˈsteɪʃn]

网络  订户站; 用户站点; 用户台; 用户站; 和用户台



  1. The amount model of SS ( subscriber station), which needs ranging, is analyzed by using birth-death process under the condition of the given number of SS, and then the steady state solution of the amount is computed.
  2. This paper describes the security protocol of 802.16. Based on the privacy sub-layer, it analyzes the procedure of authentication request from the subscriber station to the base station. Also it describes the procedure of key exchange and way of data encryption.
  3. Interleavers which are unique to each subscriber with required length are important equipments in IDMA system. Hence, the way to practice the distribution from base station to mobile station through air interference is a direction of research.
  4. To support QoS, the request/ grant mechanism has been used in WMAN. Under this mechanism, when a subscriber station wants to send data, it needs to send a bandwidth ( BW) request to base station firstly.